Submit Your Story

Please fill in the form below with details of your particular case. If you choose to keep the details confidential we will simply use the data for our internal purposes.

We would like to be able to use the information about your case for republication, however, we would like to hear about your case and use it for statistical reasons even if you do not wish us to use it for publication. We may also contact you to ask you more about your case. If we try to contact you and are unable to do so we may not be able to use your information at all.

Can we publish this, or do you prefer confidentiality?

If we publish this can we use your real name and case number, or do you prefer we not use your name and case numbers in publications?

Your Name as it appears on your case (required)

Your Email (required)


Your Story

PLEASE ANSWER THE OPTIONAL QUESTIONS BELOW so that we can more clearly categorize your case. You can answer with as much detail as you like.

1. State(s) in which you were convicted and sentenced

2. Case numbers for criminal, civil and/or administrative actions (if you have them)

3. Charges of which you were convicted

4. Initial charges and number of counts

5. Did you take a plea agreement or go to trial

6. Was this a state case or federal case or both

a. If more than one case, was the offense conduct the same in both the state and federal cases

7. What was your sentence(s) in the criminal case(s)

8. Where you charged by the government in a civil case for the same offense conduct as in a criminal case?

a. What was your sentence(s) in the civil case(s)

9. Where you subject to any administrative proceedings by any other government agency, if so what was the sentence, explain

10. Where you subject to loss of any licences or professional credentials, if so explain for how long

11. Did investigators plant or fabricate evidence in your case

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